floral arrangements from the garden

one of the most rewarding aspects of gardening has to be cutting flowers for indoor table arrangements.  this year, i have had several weeks of pink and white lilies for my kitchen table meals.  these spectacular flowers are both large and dramatic.  the varieties of strawberry and cream lilies that are growing in my garden have emerged over a period of four weeks contributing to a magnificent display for my table.

i can't help but compare my flowers to those that Martha sells on flowers.com for more than fifty dollars an arrangement.  since the bunnies were kept away this year from the delicious tasting leaves and plants, i have had an amazing season of growth.

during the cold winter months each year in midland, i have looked out at my white snow covered garden and imagined what will come forth the next springtime.  i could have never imagined how beautiful these blooms have been this year, and i am truly amazed at their beauty as they emerge from the ground.
