zoku pops

today the sun is shining in midland and the temperatures are rising.  i think the weatherman said it would be fifty degrees this afternoon.  sounds like time to pull out the Popsicle maker. 

this zoku maker has so many options and i have only begun to test it out.  since i purchased it late in the year, i really haven't had a full summer to see what creations i could design.  so, today was a first try for cherry vanilla cream Popsicles.

the directions come with the zoku maker, and for today's treats i tried maraschino cherries.  positive thinking will bring spring and summer sooner to midland Michigan.  the zoku must stay in the freezer for 24 hours and the freezing time for the individual treats is only 7-9 minutes.  the maker will make up to 6 Popsicles before having to refreeze. 

lots of fun for the summer months ahead.
